The Federal Paycheck Protection Program loan funds did buy many struggling businesses time to weather the proverbial economic storm. Plus, secured lenders, not surprisingly, found it much more advantageous to work with borrowers and extend liquidity than deal with a bankrupt business. The idea was simply that the pandemic couldn’t last forever and that the economy, as it is now, does appear to be on the mend.
Asset-based lenders were aware of the problems going into the pandemic. Not surprisingly, brick and mortar retailers, already facing significant financial stress before the shutdown, did take the brunt of the pandemic and many were forced to shutter stores, says Dan Karas, executive vice president of Allied Affiliated Funding, a division of Axiom Bank, N.A. Many large retailer liquidations dominated 2020, including J.C. Penney and Pier 1. The silver lining for lenders, as it turns out, is that liquidations were generally not the order of the day for most businesses, he adds. According to data from Epiq, commercial Chapter 11 filings grew year-over-year, up 29% in 2020 compared to 2019.