Welcome to SFNet's Secured Finance Glossary of industry terms. Currently the SFNet Glossary has over 400 industry terms and definitions. You can search specific terms in the search tool above, or use the alpha tool below and progress on the paginations.
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Accounts Receivable Verification
If your company is subject to an annual audit, the auditors will review its accounts receivable in some detail. Accounts receivable is frequently the largest asset that a company has, so auditors tend to spend a considerable amount of time gaining assurance that the amount of the stated asset is reasonable.
Accrued Liabilities
Accrued Liabilities represent liabilities for various expenses that have been expensed when incurred, but not yet paid for.
Acquisition Cost
Cost of acquiring an asset after deducting discounts, and adding normal incidental costs (except taxes).
Acquisition Financing
The sources of funds, consisting of a mix of debt and equity, used to acquire the stock or assets of a business.
Adequate Protection
Relief created in bankruptcy to protect the value of a secured creditor’s lien. Should a secured creditor's collateral value decrease, adequate protection can come in the form of a replacement lien, superpriority claims, or cash payments.
Administrative Agent
The institution responsible for administering the loan agreement, including posting notices, remitting interest payments and borrowing requests, and acting as the primary representative of the Lenders.
Administrative Borrower
The entity who is appointed to act on behalf of a collection of Borrowers under a loan agreement.
Advance Rate
A contractual percentage that a lender is willing to lend against eligible collateral.