California Compliance Guide
The SFNet Guide to the California Commercial Finance Disclosure Laws and Regulations
SFNet is pleased to provide our members with what we believe is the most comprehensive Guide to complying with the controversial new California Disclosure Regulations for Commercial Finance Transactions that go into effect December 9, 2022. The
Regulations apply to non-regulated commercial institutions offering financial transactions of $500,000 or less to California borrowers. While the intention of this legislation is to encourage transparency and enable comparisons between alternative
financing options, it is SFNet’s view that the law, with its unrealistic, complex, one-size-fits-all approach instead will create more confusion than clarity for lenders and borrowers alike and inhibit, rather than enhance, the flow of capital. While we have made a substantial investment in providing this resource to our members, we are committed to continuing to influence a more pragmatic solution in California and elsewhere.
For more information and to learn how you can get involved, please visit SFNet’s Advocacy page or contact Michele Ocejo at mocejo@sfnet.com.
If you are interested in becoming an SFNet member, contact James Kravitz at jkravitz@sfnet.com.
Corporate members can access the CA Guide at no cost. Non-members can purchase the CA Guide for $995 by clicking here.
Member Access:
In order to download the guide, please click “Sign in” at the top of your screen and enter your credentials, and the link to the guide will appear below.
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