
Hanna Abraham

SVP, Wells Fargo

Hanna Abraham is a senior vice president at Wells Fargo, with over 20 years of experience in Trade Finance.  Hanna is currently part of the Global Receivables and Trade Finance group, supporting Corporate Industrial clients.  She is passionate about introducing new ideas to clients to help them succeed financially.  Hanna began her career at Bank of America, working as an analyst in the International group.  She quickly learned the business and transitioned into trade sales supporting clients in the Southeast.  In 2012, Hanna joined Wells Fargo Global Banking group in Miami, assisting middle-market and large corporate clients.  She has since moved back to her hometown of Charlotte, NC.

Hanna is a first-generation American whose parents immigrated from Palestine in the ‘60s. She speaks fluent Arabic and has conversational knowledge of Spanish and French. Hanna holds a B.S. in international business from University of North Carolina, minor in French. 

Hanna enjoys volunteering and helping charities, particularly ones that support children.  She has been actively involved with fundraisers to support Classroom Central and Kids First of the Carolinas. When not at work, she is at home enjoying time with her three children and always cooking a feast, hosting family and friends!

What advice would you offer to women just starting out in the industry?

Starting off in the industry can be overwhelming; do not be afraid to insert yourself and ask questions.  Network, network, network….  The industry has so much to offer and a lot to learn, explore different areas till you find one that you are passionate in pursuing.  Take advantage of all continued-education programs that your company offers; diversifying your knowledge base will go a long way. It is important to find a mentor early in your career as they can provide guidance, assist in your networking efforts, and help you grow.  

What do you know now that you wish you knew in the beginning of your career?

In the beginning of my career, I was not sure what I wanted to do.  I should have reached out to seek a mentor to help guide me through my career path/goals.  Luckily throughout my career, I had great support from managers and team leads who understood my strengths and help build my confidence.  Now, I know to speak up if I have questions and be more assertive. 

What do you enjoy most about your role? Least? 

I enjoy the client interaction the most in my role.  It is rewarding when I can recommend solutions that help my clients achieve their goals and succeed.  The least?  That would most definitely have to be excessive internal meetings and compliance training courses!

How do you balance work/personal time? 

This has to be the hardest question on the list.  The truthful answer, “I don’t”, or at least, not well.  I feel it is my responsibility to always be available for my clients and colleagues, especially since I support both globally due to my role.  The 9-5 days are most definitely in the past, however, with the advanced technology you can be available anywhere/any time.  Being organized and having good time management skills is key, try scheduling time for everything on your calendar including your personal time for errands, exercise, etc.  Unfortunately the personal time scheduled is usually compromised, however, I try to make time in my day.  I do, however, look forward to vacations, I try to take at least one week off a year where I am 100% disconnected and no “schedule”.

What effect, if any, has working remotely had on your career and/or your industry? What have been the challenges and how have you worked to overcome them? 

Working remotely has been very challenging from a career and personal standpoint.  Many of us have experienced our children popping up in our Zoom meetings.  I’ve always had appreciation for our teachers, however a lot more during this pandemic; teaching a 10-year-old fractions is impossible.  

From a career perspective, it’s been working well for the most part.  In-person meetings are obviously most effective, especially when meeting prospects; however the industry has adjusted to utilizing technology to conduct meetings remotely. 

What do you think work will look like in the post-pandemic world?

I do not think we will ever go back to pre-pandemic world.  Many companies have realized that their employees can be as effective and productive working remotely as working in the office.  It will be some time before clients are comfortable to meet in person, hence less (if any) business travel.  Companies are getting more comfortable utilizing communication apps such as Zoom and Team Meetings to allow their employees to conduct business remotely and stay connected with their colleagues/clients. 






77th Annual Convention

75The industry event anyone in secured finance attends now celebrates its 77th year. SFNet is set to make the Arizona convention a memorable one. Click below to register.