In-House Training

We Bring A Custom Program To You

All SFNet Education Programs and professional development training courses can be customized specifically for you, focusing on your team’s specific needs.

SFNet will create customized course content and material as well as handle all the instructor logistics. You’ll save on travel and entertainment expenses while avoiding time out of the office.

Supplement Your In-House Training

Did you know that all SFNet Education Programs can be customized to meet your team’s unique needs? Our custom programs can supplement your existing in-house training by giving your team broader perspectives on industry practices and providing real-life examples drawn from secured lenders and best practices. We‘ll create course content specific to your situation as well as handle all the instructor logistics. Plus, you’ll save on travel and entertainment expenses while avoiding time out of the office.

“Hosting the Field Examiner School at our location was an excellent way of bringing top-notch training to a much larger, more diverse group than otherwise possible. It was the cost savings that allowed us to do this.”
Robert Dell’Anno,  Senior Vice President, Branch Banking & Trust

“I’ve taken my fair share of finance courses in my life but nothing that is lender-specific the way your material was presented.”
2022 in-house training attendee 

To create your Custom In-House Training, fill out the form below and include the type of training you are interested in.

James Kravitz,
Business Development Director
Phone 917-881-1247