Mark - 2015 photo 3

Mark Hafner

2021 Inductee, Celtic Capital

Mark Hafner is president and CEO of Celtic Capital. He joined Celtic Capital in 1985, serving as office manager and CFO prior to taking his current position in 1995. With a B.A. in economics from the University of California, Santa Barbara, Hafner began his career as an auditor with Security Pacific Business Credit.

Hafner is an active member of the Secured Finance Network and has served as chairperson of the Convention Program Committee (2001), chairperson of the Membership Committee (2002), chairperson of the Entrepreneurial Finance and Factoring Committee (2003-2004), a member of the Nominating Committee (2002 and 2004) as well as being a director (since 2000) and a member of the Executive Committee from 2002 – 2004. Hafner was on the Management Committee from 2005 through 2010 and served as president in 2009 and chairman in 2010.

He is also an active member of the Commercial Finance Conference of California, Inc. (the Southern California Chapter of SFNet) and served as secretary/treasurer (1997-2000), president (2001-2002) and chairman (2002-2003).

What advice would you offer to someone just starting out in the industry?
To realize that this is an industry in which you never stop learning. There is always something new; something you’ve never experienced before. Ask questions, read articles in the industry’s periodicals, talk to veteran co-workers. Even though it may not be in your specific job description, stay aware of what’s going on in the company. Take initiative, don’t be shy, and learn from others. Find a mentor in the industry, not necessarily in your company, and learn from that person’s experiences.  Try different job functions within your organization to find what you like best. Volunteer to work on liquidations as that is the best way to learn the business and learn what you need to watch out for.

What are some of the most memorable moments of your career?
I have been extremely fortunate to work with some great people.  I worked for, and with, my father for 20 years, which was personally rewarding as we grew closer than we had been during my childhood. My brother has worked with me for 20 years now, which has also been amazing and, recently my son joined us. We have truly been a family business and that stands out to me. I have great partners in the business that I respect and admire and a terrific staff that consists of really top-notch people.

Unfortunately, the unsuccessful liquidations are also memorable, but I look back on them as learning experiences, as each one taught me something important which led to improvements in the business.

What role did SFNet play in your career development?
Early on, I took some of the education classes offered, which were very helpful in solidifying my knowledge of the business. Attending events, both locally and nationally, introduced me to people who had an impact on my development in the industry. Making contacts at other similar companies around the country enabled me to build a network of people I could call on to discuss challenging situations I’ve faced along the way. I’ve made some good friends within the industry, which has made a big impact on me both personally and professionally.

How did you get your start in the industry?
I was fortunate that my father was in the industry since the mid-60s. I worked for him one summer while in college when everything was still paper and pencil.  When I graduated, through contacts of my dad, I took a job as an auditor for a bank-owned ABL shop. After barely a year there, in 1985 I joined my dad and have been with Celtic Capital ever since. I have done just about every task within the company along the way, though was never in sales full time. I have managed my sales team for years, however. Being part of a small company, I have been fortunate to wear a lot of different hats over the years which has kept things fun.





77th Annual Convention

75The industry event anyone in secured finance attends now celebrates its 77th year. SFNet is set to make the Arizona convention a memorable one. Click below to register.