Nicholas Ply-6

Nick Ply

Director, Senior Underwriter, Wells Fargo Capital Finance

40 Under 40 Category: Underwriting

Nick Ply is a director and senior underwriter at Wells Fargo Capital Finance, where he leads all aspects of the underwriting process of asset-based facilities for large corporate and middle-market firms, with exposure to the United States, Canada, and Europe.  Nick joined Wells Fargo in 2010 as a part of Wells Fargo’s analyst trainee program in Santa Monica, CA.  He later transitioned to a relationship management role, focusing on Agented ABL loan facilities and managing a portfolio with over $800 million in loan commitments.  Nick is married with a daughter and son under the age of four.  He holds a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from New Mexico State University where he played for the University’s football team, and obtained his Master of Business Administration from Oklahoma City University with honors.  Outside of work, Nick enjoys spending time with his family, deep sea fishing, sailing, and traveling.  

What is the best professional advice you have been given and how have you implemented it? 

In any situation, it’s never as good as you think, and it’s never as bad as you think.  There are always going to be ups and downs, and maintaining a balanced mindset is crucial for long term consistency, success, and happiness.  I’ve implemented this framework by embracing failures when they occur, and also by being humble in success.  But, just as importantly, each of these are just a part of one’s professional journey, so it’s more important to stay true to your own personal belief systems that define you as a human being, rather than being too focused on situational outcomes, because those will come and go!  

How do you define a good leader?

I believe there are many different leadership traits that can define a good leader, some of which can vary, depending on an individual leader’s own style, delivery, and personality.  But I would say the core trait of every good leader is integrity, as no leader can effectively function without the complete trust and respect of those around them.  As leaders decisions will have real world impacts on people, businesses, and their communities, knowing a leader will always do their best to do the “right thing” is crucial.  I would also define a good leader as one with full accountability to one’s actions, never pointing the finger in blame, and always accepting full responsibility for any outcome.  A good leader will also always do their best to uplift those around them, as helping others succeed will only positively impact a leader’s own vision and goals.  

What advice do you normally give to the junior talent you mentor?

Work hard, ask questions, and view every day as an opportunity to build your reputation in your own light.  Everyone has “off” days, but you never know which customer, leader, or colleague you’ll be interacting with, and all it takes is one bad interaction to negatively impact how you’re viewed professionally.  At the end of the day, your own reputation is all that you have, so you need to “bring it” every day, work hard, and enjoy the journey!      







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