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Nominations open through June 20, 2024 NEW DEADLINE June 28, 2024.

SFNet is pleased to announce the launch of our IMPACT Awards, celebrating excellence in the secured finance industry. IMPACT embodies the core values and achievements that the SFNet community strives to uphold and promote:

    Innovation: Honoring innovative approaches that pave the way for new opportunities and solutions.

    Market Leadership: Recognizing individuals and organizations that demonstrate exemplary leadership.

    Performance: Celebrating outstanding performance and measurable results that contribute to the success of borrowers, lenders, and the industry as a whole.

    Achievement: Highlighting noteworthy achievements that align with SFNet’s mission of putting capital to work.

    Customer Focus: Emphasizing the importance of customer-centric strategies and initiatives that prioritize the needs and satisfaction of clients.

    Teamwork: Acknowledging the collaborative efforts and achievements of teams to drive positive change and success.

Categories and Criteria:
  1. Transaction(s) of the Year: This award distinguishes itself from traditional deal showcases by focusing on impact from the borrower's perspective. We seek transactions that demonstrate innovation, collaboration and tangible benefits for the borrower. Borrower consent is essential, and nominees must provide the borrower's name. Additionally, any size, type, product, structure of transaction or mix of deal participants is eligible. 

  2. Leadership in DEI: This award celebrates individuals and organizations that are committed to Diversity, Equity and Inclusion efforts. Improvement metrics, championing initiatives, and outwardly visible measures of progress are key evaluation criteria.

  3. Chapter(s) of the Year: Chapters play a vital role in advancing SFNet's mission and pillars, including professional development, networking and charitable works. This award celebrates chapters that demonstrate year-over-year growth in engagement, contribute significantly to SFNet's initiatives, host inspiring events, and exhibit vibrancy within their communities.

  4. Volunteer(s) of the Year: Volunteers are the backbone of our association, driving the execution of our programs and initiatives. This award honors individuals who exemplify dedication, leadership and commitment to the betterment of the SFNet community.

  5. Innovator(s) of the Year: We recognize companies and/or individuals for the development and application of innovative processes, partnerships and technologies that address pressing challenges and advance the capabilities of our industry.

Award recipients will be honored at a special celebration on November 12, 2024 in Houston, TX, before SFNet’s Annual Convention. They will also be recognized in the November issue of The Secured Lender

We invite all employees of SFNet national member organizations to participate in the inaugural SFNet IMPACT Awards by nominating deserving individuals, organizations and chapters. Together, let's celebrate excellence, innovation, and the collective achievements that define our industry.

Nomination Forms - click the title

Transaction(s) of the Year

Leadership in DEI

Chapter(s) of the Year

Volunteer(s) of the Year

Innovator(s) of the Year

SFNet IMPACT Awards Committee Chair

Robert Meyers

Rob Meyers
Republic Business Credit

When is the nomination deadline?  
The nomination deadline for the 2024 IMPACT Awards is June 28, 2024.

How do I submit a nomination?

Use the links on the webpage above for access to the form for the desired category. For any questions/problems, please contact Michele Ocejo at

What is the judging process?

After we receive the nominations, SFNet’s panel of judges, made up of SFNet members, will hold a series of meetings to determine which candidates from each category will be chosen. We aspire to have a list of winners that represents the diversity in our industry. Winners will be profiled in the November issue of The Secured Lender and honored at a dinner in Houston, TX on November 12, 2024.

When will winners be announced?

Winners will be notified in early August with a public announcement following. 

What is required of those who are selected?

After winners are notified, the editorial team will request material for a profile in the November issue of The Secured Lender. Winners are encouraged to attend the Awards dinner on November 12, 2024 in Houston, TX, the night before SFNet’s 80th Annual Convention. 

Upcoming Professional Development Courses 

  • Factoring Documentation
  • ABL Loan Documentation
  • Factoring Underwriting
  • On Demand classes: Appraisals, Factoring, Legal, Workout & Bankruptcy
Learn More