By ENGS Commercial Finance

New to working from home? Check out a few quick tips from ENGS Commercial Finance to help transition from working in-office to working at home.

1. Dedicate a Workspace - Whether it is a guest room, home office, or even just a corner of your bedroom or living room, designating a space where you can get work done will help allow you to better focus.

2. Create “To-Do” Lists - Organization is key. By creating lists that outline your day or week it will help keep you on task and allow you to work efficiently.

3. Learn to Deal with Distractions - Working at home inevitably comes with having to deal with distractions, especially when many families will be at home together during this pandemic. Learn how to block out distractions the same way you would at being in an office.

4. Find What’s Working- The more you work from home, the more you will be able to recognize what is working for you in regard to getting work done efficiently.

5. Take Breaks - Avoid getting burnt out working from home by taking a break, such as a quick walk around the block to get some sunshine.

6. Stay in Contact - In addition to having constant communication with your manager, take a little time and give your co-workers a call and check in with them.

7. Make Work Comfortable - Make your workspace at home as comfortable and functional as possible.

8. Set Goals - Layout your goals for the day, but don’t stop there, keep pushing once you reach your goal.

9. Keep a Routine - It can be difficult to shut off work when working from home. If you normally leave the office at 6PM, keep that same routine and end your workday at 6PM.

10. Stay Positive - Inevitably working from home will have a learning curve, don’t get down on yourself if for the first few days you find you aren’t hitting your regular efficiency, stay positive and know that you will eventually find your bearings.

Tips to Properly Conduct Video Conferences:

1. TURN ON YOUR CAMERA - Video communication is the key to making a human connection with clients and coworkers.

2. BRIGHTEN THE DAY - Make sure the lighting in front of you is brighter than the lighting behind you.

3. LOOK BEHIND YOU - Ensure you have a professional background for virtual meetings.

4. ELEVATE YOUR CAMERA - Raise your camera and/or laptop to eye level for face-to-face communications.

5. SPEAK INTO THE CAMERA - Many people struggle with this one. When speaking, speak clearly and into the lens.