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Heather Fidura Headshot

Heather Fidura

Assistant Vice President, Rosenthal & Rosenthal, Inc.


Heather Fidura has been with Rosenthal & Rosenthal, Inc. for seven years. She began her career in the credit department assisting senior management with back office reporting and projects. Heather then applied her degree in business marketing and took an interest in learning more about the front office. She helped develop Rosenthal’s marketing and sales strategy and assisted with the company’s rebranding. Heather now works in the Asset Based Lending division as an AVP of Business Development and Underwriting. She handles all transactions from start to finish, from sourcing new business to issuing a term sheet through to due diligence and documentation.

Heather continues to expand her active referral source network of lenders, bankers, private equity firms, investment bankers, brokers and other sources to generate new business for the company. She is on the board of the Contemporary Credit Club and attends industry trade shows and conferences and events throughout the year for the SFNET, TMA and ACG groups.

Heather graduated from Ramapo College of New Jersey with a BA in business marketing.

What advice would you offer to women just starting out in the industry?

Confidence is key. You might not know everything and probably never will, so keep learning and do not be afraid to ask questions, as I was told that the worst questions are the ones that are not asked. However, don’t let inexperience keep you out of the game. Stay focused, learn as much as possible, and be confident. Success will follow.

Studies have shown women are more reluctant to tout their accomplishments in the workplace. What advice would you give to help women be more comfortable with speaking up?

Bragging is unbecoming on everyone. But sharing your accomplishments with colleagues is important. Allowing the work to speak for itself is sometimes not enough. So be smart about who you share your news with and make sure you have a distinct voice at your firm. Be proud of yourself and know sharing your accomplishments will help bridge the gap and build confidence in others to speak up and share.

What do you know now that you wish you knew in the beginning of your career?

That there may not be one set path for your career. It takes time to figure out exactly what you want to do and that’s ok. As you gain more knowledge and more work experience you really learn more about yourself and your goals may shift. This is a good thing and you should embrace it. Take advantage of every learning opportunity.  I came from a marketing background and wanted to shift my path. Rosenthal has done a great job sending me to continued education classes, pairing me with mentors, and sending me to different departments to round out my skill set.

What is your approach/advice to change in the workplace?

I think in any aspect of life change can be terrifying. We are so accustomed to our habits that the process of change can be uncomfortable and most people tend to fight it. But from my experience, once an individual steps outside their comfort zone, they almost never regret it. I believe change is important in a business setting especially; companies that do not adapt to the changing workplace are at risk for stagnation. It’s almost impossible to avoid change in an ever-changing business. New ideas and perspectives are what drive innovation and growth. Change should be welcomed; businesses and individuals should continue to challenge the norm. 

What do you enjoy most about your role? Least?

I enjoy the people the most, the industry executives I get to work with and the business owners. Every potential client has a different story where I am able to listen and apply a solution to their needs. The least? Paperwork. Who likes paperwork?

How do you balance work/personal time?

Time management is always a challenge. But being completely honest with yourself in regards to your workload can be helpful. It’s also so important to make time for the things you love to do outside of work because they make you happy, which can lead to more energy and more focus at work.

How can commercial finance organizations offer meaningful professional development and career advancement?

Mentoring programs can offer the guidance needed for advancement. Offering supplemental classes for further education and management training can also be important. This way, when the time comes to step up, you are absolutely ready for it. 

Professional Development Courses 

  • Live online classes for ABL and Factoring professionals
  • On Demand classes in Appraisals, Factoring, Legal, Workout & Bankruptcy
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