UK Insolvency Reform Act: What Secured Lenders Need To Know

June 10, 2020 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM (GMT Daylight Time)

New insolvency legislation is being rushed through parliament which will have far reaching consequences for Asset Based Lending in the UK.

Hear from a panel of experts who will address:

  • Purpose of legislation and unintended consequences
  • Rights and remedies of a lender facing the new moratorium
  • What steps a lender take in preparation
  • Whether the UK still a safe lending environment for ABL
  • What US and Canadian lenders need to know


  • Matt Davies, Director, Invoice Finance & Asset Based Lending, UK Finance
  • Claire Boardman, Partner, Deloitte
  • John Alderton, Partner, Squire Patton Boggs
  • Georgia Quenby, Partner, Morgan Lewis
  • Richard Hawkins, CEO, Atlantic Risk Management Services


Ticket pricing:

SFNet and SFNet Europe members - no charge
UK Finance members - no charge
Non-members £29

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Contact Information

Contact: Helen Jacobi

Phone Number: 447812995049


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