SFNet Midwest Annual Meeting

December 9, 2020 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM

Wednesday, December 9 | 4:00 PM


As a Chapter member, you are cordially invited and encouraged to virtually attend the SFNet Midwest Annual Meeting. We hope to see you there.

This event is open to all SFNet Midwest members in good standing.

Note from Michael Dudek – SFNet Midwest Chapter 2020 Vice President and Secretary.


On behalf of the Board of Directors, Officers and Nominating Committee of the SFNet Midwest Chapter, we are pleased to nominate the following candidates to the positions and term as outlined below: 


  • 2021 Chapter President and Director - Jennifer Kempton of CIBC – nominated to a one (1) year term.


  • 2021 Chapter First Vice President and Director - Kathleen Parker of HYPERAMS – nominated to a one (1) year term.


  • 2021 Chapter Treasurer - Eric Dorner of Republic Business Credit – nominated to a one (1) year term.


  • 2021 Chapter Vice President - Sue Duckett of Franklin Capital Network – nominated to a one (1) year term.


  • 2021 Chapter Vice President and Secretary - Tom Boniface of Hilco Global – nominated to a one (1) year term.


  • Independent Director - Jacqueline Helmrick of Vedder Price, P.C. – nominated to a three (3) year term. 


Votes may be cast in by electronic ballot. The nominee for each office receiving a majority of all votes cast shall be declared elected. Unopposed nominees shall automatically be deemed to be elected to their respective positions.

Voting for the positions will be open until completion of the Chapter’s Annual Meeting, which is scheduled for Wednesday, December 9, 2020.


Questions? Contact Kim Waldack, Chapter Admin, at 312.252.2501 or email us at admin@sfnetmidwest.com



Contact Information

Contact: Kim Waldack

Email: admin@sfnetmidwest.com

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