Business Development Forum - 2Q 2021
May 6, 2021 12:00 PM to 1:10 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)
A members-only virtual event: REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED
May 6, 2021 12:00-1:00 p.m. ET, plus an additional 10 minute networking opportunity from 1:00-1:10 p.m.
Space is limited to ensure maximum interaction among participants, so register today to reserve your spot.
Thank you to our Forum sponsor
Candice Hubert, SVP Business Development, Republic Business Credit
Leena Stover, VP Asset Based Lending, Truist
Chris Keneally, Senior Account Executive, RelPro
ROI (Relationship, Opportunity, Innovation)
BDO’s can all agree that relationships are more valuable and needed given our ever- shifting world
1) How are you maintaining your relationships and building new ones?
2) Are your referral sources shifting and changing? If so, why?
3) To build or not to build? That is the questions… How are you approaching and building new relationships?
1) Is ABL changing? Are you evaluating opportunities through a different lens?
2) Is your firm taking more risk and evaluating enterprise value, IP, etc... to win the deal
3) Competition: How are you setting the bar? How are you competing in a restrictive market?
4) Are you optimistic, cautiously optimistic, or pessimistic about the 2021 year in ABL and why?
1) Structure VS rate, what wins the deal? How are you being innovative with your prospects?
2) Hybrid ABL structures can mean something different depending on the lender, Is this the wave of the future? Or, are we going back to the future?
The Business Development Forum will also meet 8/05/21, and at SFNet’s 77th Annual Convention in November.
Member Price: $0
Professional Development Courses
- Live online classes for ABL and Factoring professionals
- On Demand classes in Appraisals, Factoring, Legal, Workout & Bankruptcy
Learn More