Siena Announces $122M in New Facilities During Q3 2021

October 27, 2021

By Siena Lending Group

Siena Lending Group continues to be a leader in the asset-based lending industry, consistently finding creative ways to offer its clients maximum flexibility and liquidity. Siena is proud to provide this overview of the financing solutions that it and its Siena Healthcare Finance division delivered in Q3 2021. In firm news, Siena Lending Group was named one of ABF Journal's "Most Innovative Companies in Specialty Finance," in addition to receiving the "Refinancing of the Year" award in the under-$100 million category in The M&A Advisor's 15th Annual Turnaround Awards.

Siena Lending Group closed two deals in Q3 2021 for $110 million for companies in media services and mobile accessories.  

“Q3 was an exciting time for us here at Siena. We closed an $80 million credit facility for iMedia Brands, Inc., and increased our own senior credit facility with Wells Fargo Capital Finance to $400 million. These transactions demonstrate our lending capabilities, capital strength, and the ability of our seasoned team to consistently deliver results to our clients and shareholders.” — Dave Grende, President & CEO, Siena Lending Group.

Siena Healthcare Finance closed a $12 million deal for a company in the pharmaceuticals industry.

“Our pipeline continues to gain momentum as business returns to a new normal. We look forward to what the fourth quarter will deliver in terms of financings for new clients. Our team remains committed to being an innovative and flexible lender, delivering competitive solutions for healthcare companies across the US.” — Jennifer Sheasgreen, president, Siena Healthcare Finance

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