Unleashing the Power of AI in the Secured Finance Industry: A Journey into Change and Evolution

August 2, 2023

By Ryan Jaskiewicz

Change is the great shapeshifter of existence. It is the unseen artist who paints the landscape of our lives with broad strokes of innovation and evolution. In the world of secured finance, change is manifesting through a potent and promising medium—Artificial Intelligence (AI). One particular AI innovation, OpenAI’s ChatGPT, is at the frontier of this change, offering a path filled with opportunities and potential challenges.

Embracing the potential of AI is the opening move in our industry’s complex choreography with technology. It stands as a candid acknowledgment of AI’s transformative power and its potential to redefine the dimensions of secured finance and credit risk management.

Revolutionizing credit risk assessment: AI, through OpenAI’s ChatGPT, can enhance accuracy and speed in credit risk assessment. This technology can sift through copious data from various sources, synthesizing it into meaningful information more efficiently than any human could. Moreover, it can operate round-the-clock, increasing productivity and timely decision-making.

Tailoring borrower profiling: AI’s ability to analyze natural language—the way we naturally speak and write—allows for nuanced and comprehensive borrower profiling. By understanding the subtleties in a borrower’s communication, AI can provide insightful data for crafting customized credit risk models tailored to specific industries or borrowers.

Creating early warning systems: AI’s pattern recognition capabilities far surpass human abilities. It can pore over countless data points, identifying trends that may signify a potential credit risk. As such, AI could enable us to devise early warning systems, improving proactive risk management.

Learning and adapting: AI and ChatGPT, as tools rooted in machine learning, possess the capability for continuous adaptation to changing market conditions. Unlike traditional software systems, AI learns from experience and improves over time. This dynamic nature makes AI a resilient tool in the face of the ever-evolving financial landscape. 

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About the Author

Ryan Jaskiewicz is CEO of 12five Capital, LLC. He started 12five Capital in early 2006 at the age of 23. Responsible for overseeing all facets of the business, he focuses his efforts heavily on systems, processes and. He successfully grew the business from zero dollars in revenue or funding to a company of twelve people, topping over $35mm in net funds employed over the last 15 years.