Evolving Strategies in Business Development for Secured Finance

July 9, 2024

By Michele Ocejo

In a rapidly shifting financial landscape, the Secured Finance Network's recent webinar offered a deep dive into effective business development strategies within the secured finance sector. Moderated by James Kravitz, SFNet’s business development director, the session featured prominent industry experts Lance Rosenthal, executive vice president of business development at RelPro; Jack Penzi, director of originations at Great Rock Capital; and Mitch Sterling, chief client development and relationship officer at Blank Rome. Together, they explored the critical elements that drive growth and success in secured finance.

Core Strategies in Business Development

The discussion opened with an emphasis on the essential qualities that define a successful business development professional. Lance Rosenthal highlighted the importance of genuine relationship-building, stating, "It's about creating those relationships. If someone doesn't feel comfortable, there is not going to be anything further than that." This insight underscores the shift from transactional business interactions to sustained, trust-based partnerships.

Jack Penzi discussed the emotional resilience required in the field, noting, "Business development is an emotional rollercoaster. The best BDOs stay even-keeled, never getting too high or too low." His perspective sheds light on the psychological endurance needed to navigate the frequent highs and lows of securing and managing deals.

Mitch Sterling added a unique viewpoint from the legal sector, emphasizing the significance of internal networking within organizations. He remarked, "Internal relationship building is almost as important as external relationship building," highlighting the comprehensive approach needed for effective business development across various sectors.

Innovative Tools and Technological Advances

The conversation transitioned to the role of technology in modern business development. The panelists shared their experiences with different tools that have enhanced their capabilities. Rosenthal praised sales intelligence platforms for their ability to provide detailed insights into prospects, enhancing the preparation and personalization of pitches.

Penzi underscored the value of face-to-face interactions, even in an increasingly digital world. He advocated for the effectiveness of traditional networking methods, such as events and personal meetings, which continue to play a crucial role in building substantial relationships.

Sterling pointed to the increasing relevance of content creation in the legal field, where providing thought leadership through articles, webinars, and presentations has become a key strategy for engaging clients and showcasing expertise.

Adjusting to the New Normal

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on business practices was a significant topic of discussion. The panelists reflected on how the pandemic has accelerated the adoption of digital tools. Rosenthal noted the increased reliance on mobile communications, stating, "People are picking up their cell phones more now than ever, even in the business world." This shift has led to a reevaluation of traditional communication strategies and the adoption of more flexible, responsive approaches to client engagement.

Strategic Relationship Building and Networking

Building on the theme of relationships, the experts discussed various approaches to nurturing connections both within and outside one's organization. They shared strategies ranging from hosting small, targeted events to leveraging larger industry conferences to expand their network and influence.

Challenges and Opportunities

As the session progressed, the panelists addressed specific challenges they face in the industry, from increasing competition to the complexities of cross-sector collaboration. They also explored opportunities arising from these challenges, such as the potential for innovation and the development of new market niches.

The webinar provided a comprehensive overview of the strategies that today's business development professionals employ in the secured finance industry. The insights shared by Rosenthal, Penzi, and Sterling highlighted the evolving nature of business development, which increasingly relies on a blend of traditional relationship-building techniques and innovative uses of technology.

This detailed exploration not only offers practical advice for professionals within the secured finance sector but also serves as a reflection on the dynamic nature of business development in any field. As these professionals continue to adapt and thrive, their experiences provide valuable lessons and a roadmap for success in an ever-changing economic landscape.

About the Author

Michele Ocejo
Michele Ocejo is director of communications of SFNet.