September 20, 2023

By Eileen Wubbe

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This column highlights the hard work and dedication of SFNet committee volunteers.
Here we speak with Don Clarke, president, Asset Based Lending Consultants, and chair of SFNet’s Convention Planning Committee.

The Convention Planning Committee helps with the development of panels, speakers, venue selection and more for the SFNet’s largest attended event of the year, the Annual Convention.

TSL: Please provide us with some background on your career.
Donald Clarke: I am the president and chairman of Asset- Based Lending Consultants, Inc., as well as Don Clarke Enterprises (DCE), with nearly 45 years of extensive experience in various aspects of asset-based lending and leasing. My expertise spans asset-based lending, quality of earnings certification, Fortune 500 corporate lending continuing education, and found that I wanted to do something more entrepreneurial.

In addition to my leadership roles, I have a notable history with the Asset-Based Lending Institute (ABLC), where we have been providing field examination and due diligence services to both national and international commercial and community banks since our inception in 1986.

My educational journey began when I graduated with O-Levels from the University of Cambridge. I then furthered my education by graduating from the City University of New York in 1972. Subsequently, I embarked on a career that led me to prestigious financial institutions, including roles at Bankers Trust Co. (NY) and the Bank of New York (NY). Before founding the ABLC company group in 1986, I held various significant positions such as vice president, chief financial officer, and chief credit officer at Southeast Bank Leasing.

I also served as an international instructor, specializing in various aspects of asset-based lending, including underwriting, financial statement analysis, account management, field examinations, and inventory lending. With over 30 years of instructional experience, I held a senior instructor position with the Secured Finance Network (SFNet) and was honored with the prestigious Harry H. Chen Memorial Award of Excellence in 2019. Furthermore, in 2021, I received SFNet’s Lifetime Achievement Award and was inducted into SFNet’s Hall of Fame. My contributions also
extended to serving as the Education Committee chair for SFNet’s 2020-2021 Executive Committee.

Throughout my career, I have had the privilege of teaching over 5,000
students internationally, focusing on the disciplines of secured lending. I facilitated General Electric Commercial Finance Investment Analyst courses in various global locations, including Chicago, London, India, and Sydney, Australia. Additionally, I conducted seminars extensively in England and Ireland for major European financial institutions, including Lloyds Bank (London), National Westminster Bank (London), Barclays Bank (London), Bank of Ireland (Dublin), RBS (London), and General Electric Capital (London, Delhi, India, and Sydney, Australia).

In 2022, I launched the Asset-Based Lending Institute (ABLI) that introduced the first postgraduate diploma course, primarily targeted at college graduates aspiring to enter the asset-based lending field and ABL professionals seeking career advancement.

Presently, my commitment to knowledge sharing continues through seminars focused on risk analysis and loan structuring.

Lastly, I am the author of the first industry recognized textbook on asset-based lending, titled Asset-Based Lending Disciplines. Originally published in 2006 and updated in 2022, this comprehensive resource covers field examinations, operations, and accounts manager functions. Notably, the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) and JP Morgan Chase have recognized its value as a vital training resource for their staff, nationwide.

For someone who’s reading this and may want to join SFNet’s Convention Planning Committee, how would you describe it to them?

The Convention Planning Committee (“CPC”) is made up of industry professionals who volunteer to serve in this capacity. As a CPC member we float the topics to be discussed, the main theme for the convention and who the panelists and keynote speakers should be, based on the different topics and the person’s ability to meaningfully contribute to such topics.

What does the Committee do? How soon after the Annual Convention in November 2022 did you begin to meet to start planning the 2023 Convention?
So, within the main CPC, we establish sub-committees so we can be more granular in our planning efforts. In my case as incoming chair for 2023, I served as assistant chair and apprenticed under last year’s chair (2022) Jeremy Harrison of ABN Amro, to get acclimated with the process. I took notes and immediately engaged my staff at ABLC to help me with logistics and planning. So, in short, I have been going at this for about 18 months.

How much time is involved if you’re a Convention Planning Committee member? How often does the Committee meet?
Thanks to the SFNet staff Rich Gumbrecht, Jeff Walsh, Scott Clifford, Lisa Riegel and others doing a lot of the organizational work, my staff and I were never over-taxed at any time. At meeting time, the SFNet staff would show up well prepared with ideas and research which would make our lives a lot easier.

As a committee, we meet once per month initially, but then call impromptu meetings to discuss emerging issues. As we move closer to the convention, we have weekly Teams/Zoom meetings.

What are some of your biggest achievements/wins in planning this year’s convention?
We have a diverse list of keynote speakers and panelists that truly represent America!

We unanimously arrived at our main theme “Built for the Moment,” which I believe underscores some of the current economic uncertainties and stresses the relevance and agility of asset-based lending in these uncertain times.'

What is the process in determining the keynote speaker for this event?
The process of choosing a keynote speaker begins with choosing someone who we think would add value to our theme, but is also entertaining and engaging. That’s why this year’s keynote speaker, Daymond John of Shark Tank, is so relevant as not only a business owner/investor but has a healthy sense of humor and is engaging. Secondly, Kim Ng of the Florida Marlins, the only female executive at the highest level in baseball and of Asian descent, brings great diversity and charisma to this year’s convention.

For someone reading this and debating on attending this year, what would you say to encourage them to attend? What is unique about this year’s convention vs. in prior years?
So, I have been attending these conventions for over 40 years as the CFA and now SFNet and I believe this is the most consequential convention of our times. We have rising interest rates, talks of a recession, global tensions all at play. But, ABL has been here before and successfully weathered the storms. Thus, our theme “Built for the moment”!

For someone who has never attended an SFNet Annual Convention, why should they consider going to this year’s in Orlando for their first one?

If you’ve never attended one of our conventions, then make #79 the one you attend. After 79 years we are still here and relevant. Also, this year is near Disney World, and we encourage attendees to bring both kids and grandkids along for a fun weekend following the convention! Come and hear what your contemporaries are saying and become a part of the discussion! Your moment awaits you here, November 15-17, 2023.

When you’re not busy with ABLC and SFNet what do you enjoy doing?
Me and not busy is an oxymoron! I own several thriving businesses, UPS franchises and real estate investments, have a fairly busy speaking circuit, all of which keep me busy, along with my wife of 46 years, four children and 10 grandkids. Somehow, I find time to play a bit of golf and I am a 10 handicap!

About the Author

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Eileen Wubbe is senior editor of The Secured Lender.