TSL Express Daily News

The Secured Lender


SFNet's 80th Annual Convention Issue

Intro content. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur iaculis sapien sagittis, accumsan magna ut, blandit massa. Quisque vehicula leo lorem, a tincidunt eros tempor nec. In quis lacus vitae risus egestas tincidunt. Phasellus nulla risus, sodales in purus non, euismod ultricies elit. Vestibulum mattis dolor non sem euismod interdum.

July 9, 2024

Source: Renewable Watch

ACEN, through its subsidiary ACEN Renewables International Pte. Ltd., has secured a $150 million five-year syndicated green term loan and revolving credit facility. Additionally, this transaction was well-received by a consortium of international financial institutions. The funds from this loan will support ACEN’s presence in the Asia Pacific.

Furthermore, CTBC Bank (Philippines) Corp. and CTBC Bank Co. Ltd. served as structuring bank and arranger, respectively, forming a strategic partnership with five other banks: the Singapore branches of CTBC Bank Co., Malayan Banking Berhad, Chang Hwa Commercial Bank, Land Bank of Taiwan, and Mega International Commercial Bank.

The company currently has around 4.8 GW of renewable energy capacity in operation and under construction, along with signed agreements and won competitive tenders totaling over 1 GW. ACEN has already surpassed its initial goal of achieving 5 GW of renewable energy capacity by 2025.

In March 2024, BrightNight collaborated with ACEN for setting up a 1 GWac renewable power portfolio in the Philippines. An estimated capital deployment of $1.2 billion is planned over the next five years. The two companies had formed a 50-50 partnership for setting up 1.2 GW large-scale hybrid wind-solar and round-the-clock renewable power projects in India in 2023.