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SFNet's Factoring & Supply Chain Finance And Great Places To Work Issue

Intro content. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur iaculis sapien sagittis, accumsan magna ut, blandit massa. Quisque vehicula leo lorem, a tincidunt eros tempor nec. In quis lacus vitae risus egestas tincidunt. Phasellus nulla risus, sodales in purus non, euismod ultricies elit. Vestibulum mattis dolor non sem euismod interdum.

July 9, 2024

Source: RelPro

RelPro expands partnership with Rivel, integrating Local Banking Market Research data into RelPro’s easy-to-use Business Development and Relationship Management solution.

Short Hills, NJ — July 9, 2024 — RelPro, the fast-growing business development and relationship management solution for Financial Services professionals, announced today its latest data integration with Rivel Banking Research, bringing Local Market Research into the RelPro platform. This new integration leverages data from Rivel’s Commercial and Small Business Customer Reports to provide bankers with insights into their customers’ experience as well as competitive benchmarking within their local market.

Rivel Banking Research conducts more than 280,000 interviews annually to discover consumers’ experiences and pain points with financial institutions, measuring over 90 perception metrics. This data-driven approach gives banks and credit unions a deeper understanding of their customers’ key decision drivers.

With the Rivel data integrated into RelPro’s company profiles, users can now review customer perceptions of local market competitors across multiple criteria. The new data highlights vulnerabilities such as the likelihood of customers leaving their current institution and key metrics such as favorable loan and deposit rates, share of wallet and product demand. By joining this data with RelPro’s ability to identify a company’s current banking relationships, bankers can design and position their business development and relationship management initiatives to leverage their strengths for competitive market advantage.

“This expanded data partnership with Rivel Banking Research provides our clients with actionable insights on the needs of their small business customers,” said Martin Wise, Founder and CEO of RelPro. “Local Market intelligence empowers our clients to efficiently develop initiatives for new business growth with a data-driven approach to business development, relationship management and client retention.”

"Rivel Banking Research is proud to offer a comprehensive data integration with RelPro that addresses something every banker can use - local business customer feedback. By identifying pain points faced by small businesses at competing banks across all regions of the country, and updated twice a year, it allows bankers to initiate conversations with prospects from an informed perspective on the market landscape. Combined with RelPro's precise contact targeting, our joint offering empowers bankers to help navigate business challenges efficiently, with superior options," Corey Wrinn, Managing Director at Rivel Banking Research, said about the integration.

RelPro’s Business Development and Relationship Management solutions are used by 80% of the top 10 U.S. banks, half of the top 50 U.S. banks, and leading regional and community banks and credit unions. Integrating data from more than 20 trusted sources, RelPro provides its clients with best-in-class, accurate intelligence on more than 7 million companies and 150 million business decision-makers. This intelligence, delivered through RelPro’s easy-to-use platform & API integrations, saves clients’ time while accelerating their business development and relationship management initiatives.

About RelPro

Founded in 2009, RelPro’s Relationship Intelligence solutions are built with the experience that there is no one nirvana source of B2B Company and Decision-Maker data – so why rely on one source of data? RelPro integrates data from best-in-class partners and the web to deliver a unique global database of over 7 million Companies and 150 million business decision-makers, allowing B2B Business Development, Relationship Management and Marketing professionals to quickly identify new prospects and close deals faster. RelPro includes automated Prospect Research to quickly inform business development outreach, and powerful Buyer Intent and Alerts that provide a call-to-action prompting timely interactions with prospects and clients.

To learn more about RelPro, visit our website – www.relpro.com, give us a call – (888) 561-7890, send us an email – info@relpro.com, or schedule a demo now. To learn what our customers are saying about RelPro, read the reviews on G2 Crowd.

About Rivel

Rivel Banking Research harnesses the power of over 280,000 interviews each year to gain an in-depth understanding of market perceptions and the driving forces behind key banking decisions. Our tailored research identifies vulnerabilities specific to your service area, right down to the zip code, against all your local banking competitors, focused on small business and commercial opportunities. Our comprehensive insights allow you to make informed decisions that drive success and growth for your commercial banking growth. To learn more about Rivel Banking Research, visit rivel.com/banking-research or contact Corey Wrinn, cwrinn@rivel.com.