TSL Express Daily News

The Secured Lender

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SFNet's Factoring & Supply Chain Finance And Great Places To Work Issue

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July 9, 2024

Source: Tiger Finance

Wholesaler and Retailers focused on ecommerce, furniture and apparel turn to Tiger to meet working capital needs

NEW YORK, July 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Tiger Finance's lending platform continued to grow in the second quarter ended June 30, providing $90 million in financing to retail and other borrowers across North America.

Significant second-quarter deals included providing $15 million to an outdoor-lifestyle retailer/ wholesaler, $21 million to a wholesale/ecommerce furniture manufacturer and an additional $7.5 million, along with ownership contribution, to an existing women's apparel retailer client to support seasonal working and capital needs.

"Tiger Finance continues to expand and grow its lending platform, especially among middle-market borrowers," noted Bob DeAngelis, Executive Managing Director/Group Head, Tiger Finance.

A stretch asset-based lender, Tiger Finance advances against working capital, machinery and equipment, fixtures, real estate and intellectual property across a broad range of industries, providing first lien, second lien, and split-lien facilities, typically structured as term debt. It is a division of Tiger Capital Group, which specializes in the provision of secured debt financing and equity investments, as well as comprehensive appraisals for the ABL industry and the disposition of consumer and industrial assets.

Media Contacts: At Jaffe Communications, Elisa Krantz, (908) 789-0700, 379967@email4pr.com