TSL Express Daily News

The Secured Lender


SFNet's 80th Annual Convention Issue

Intro content. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Curabitur iaculis sapien sagittis, accumsan magna ut, blandit massa. Quisque vehicula leo lorem, a tincidunt eros tempor nec. In quis lacus vitae risus egestas tincidunt. Phasellus nulla risus, sodales in purus non, euismod ultricies elit. Vestibulum mattis dolor non sem euismod interdum.

October 8, 2024

Source: Loeb

Loeb, a leader in providing tailored financial solutions, has successfully assisted a Wisconsin-based gear manufacturing company in navigating severe financial difficulties. Facing an urgent need to liquidate its business, the company turned to Loeb for a swift and effective resolution.

Challenge and Solution

The gear manufacturing company was struggling to meet its loan obligations, putting its operations at risk. Recognizing the urgency, Loeb leveraged its extensive network and industry expertise to identify potential buyers for the company’s assets. The primary goal was to ensure that everyone, including Loeb’s industry lending partners in accounts receivable and inventory, were made whole during the liquidation process.

Through diligent efforts, Loeb quickly secured a buyer for the entire company. This strategic move not only resolved the financial issues for the client but also ensured that the industry lending partners were fully repaid. As a bonus, the buyer decided to relocate the operations to a nearby facility and retain most of the former employees!