Factoring Portfolio Management
New portfolio management team members need a solid foundation to effectively manage factoring facilities. Factoring Portfolio Management will covers a comprehensive list of topics specifically related to portfolio and risk management responsibilities.
The curriculum offers a systematic overview of A/R eligibility and verification, as well as effective debtor credit analysis skills, that are consistent with industry best practices. This. Interactive curriculum also helps identify red flags and how to handle them.
After attending this course, participants will be able to:
- Describe the primary responsibilities of portfolio management team members;
- Analyze a client’s A/R to identify potential issues;
- Recognize the implications of a client’s request and know how to respond appropriately;
- Understand the importance of verification, notification and dominion of cash; and,
- Interpret different industry nuances relative to A/R.
Factoring Portfolio Management is open to participants of all experiences who are interested in understanding the fundamentals of managing factoring relationships.
Please contact Denise Castagna at dcastagna@sfnet.com with any questions or to learn more.
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SFNet Professional Development
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