TSL Feature Articles

  • Rachel Hersh Factoring 101

    Factoring is an age-old form of financing providing companies with much-needed cash.

    It takes money to make money, as any business owner knows. But many small businesses also know what it’s like to be turned down by a bank for a loan or line of credit, not get as much as they need, or simply not get the cash quickly enough to take advantage of an opportunity.

  • Asset-Based Lending: A Primer
    Oct 11, 2022
    Simply put, asset-based lending (ABL) is a way of lending money to companies. Such loans are made by commercial banks and by specialty finance companies, and loan sizes can range from several hundred thousand to many hundreds of millions of dollars. These loan proceeds are used to assist companies in high-growth, distressed, or sometimes even in start-up situations.
  • Tammen-Jan Field Exam in Changing Times: Fundamentals and Best Practices
    Oct 7, 2022

    Jan Tammen of PNC Business Credit discusses some of the lasting changes to the field exam industry brought on by the pandemic.

  • Michele Ocejo Field Examinations in 2022 and Beyond
    Oct 5, 2022
    TSL’s editor-in-chief interviewed several field exam professionals as well as lenders to get an overview of what lenders should look for, the current challenges and the effects of the pandemic.
  • PNC Business Credit’s DEI Initiatives
    Sep 28, 2022
    After gathering information from various PNC program managers, Eileen Kowalski discusses the DEI initiatives of PNC Bank N.A. and more specifically those of PNC Business Credit.
  • TSL0922_Andréa Sanfilippo_Headshot_150 The Impact of Civil Law on the Growth and Debt Capital Accessibility of Southern European Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
    Sep 26, 2022

    In November of 2021, SFNet announced its first Cross-Border Finance Essay Contest, sponsored by Goldberg Kohn Ltd. Members of SFNet’s International Finance and Development Committee judged the essay submissions on content, originality, clarity, structure and overall contribution to furthering and expanding understanding and discourse within the field of cross-border finance. This essay tied for third place.

    The authors of the winning essays have been invited to participate on a panel at SFNet’s 78th Annual Convention in Austin, TX, Nov. 9-11. The second place and first place winners will be published in the October and November issues of The Secured Lender, respectively.

  • Rob Meyers photo Rob Meyers of Republic Business Credit Discusses the Company’s DEI Initiatives
    Sep 15, 2022
    Republic Business Credit is a nationally recognized commercial finance company supporting the working capital requirements of companies nationwide, including private equity and entrepreneurial businesses. Republic provides asset-based lending, ledgered lines of credit, traditional factoring, direct-to-consumer loans, and Fast AR Funding. Republic partners with its clients to provide up to $15 million in senior credit facilities to rapidly growing businesses, start-ups and companies experiencing recoverable distress. Republic was one of two companies that were highly aligned with their employees in the replies to SFNet’s DEI Survey.
  • TSL0922_DIEDERIK VON KÖNIGSLÖW_150 Bed, Bath, and Back to the Supplier: A Supplier’s Right to Reclaim Ownership of Inventory in the Netherlands
    Sep 12, 2022
    In November of 2021, SFNet announced its first Cross-Border Finance Essay Contest, sponsored by Goldberg Kohn Ltd. Members of SFNet’s International Finance and Development Committee judged the essay submissions on content, originality, clarity, structure and overall contribution to furthering and expanding understanding and discourse within the field of cross-border finance. This essay tied for third place.
  • Michele Ocejo Results of SFNet’s Groundbreaking DEI Survey
    SFNet’s DEI Committee, in conjunction with Rutgers University and underwritten by the Secured Finance Foundation and Wells Fargo, released the results of the first-ever DEI Survey, which provides a comprehensive perspective on the current state of diversity, equity and inclusiveness among SFNet member companies.
  • LeeHaskin_Crossroads_Headshot_150 Fighting Misinformation: Don’t believe Everything You Read on the Internet

    Borrowers face an uphill battle when conducting an internet search for capital. Lee Haskin of Crossroads Financial discusses the misinformation out there and offers clarifications concerning certain types of finance products.

  • RichardPaulOrmond Chronic Problems in Cannabis Lending Navigating the Patchwork of Laws, Rulings and Regulations
    The only constant in the cannabis industry is change. This article provides an overview of the latest developments and points out that lenders need a deep understanding of the inconsistent patchwork of laws and regulations and the continuing conflict of law between the states and the federal government before entering this space.
  • Lenders Beware: Lender Liability
    The past few years have seen strong liquidity in the marketplace coupled with unprecedented government support of certain borrowers; increased competition for secured transactions among banks and non-banks; and surprisingly fewer distressed transactions during the pandemic than would have been anticipated. As a result, lenders have not had to focus as much on managing distressed credits and the potential pitfalls and risks that are associated with them. As a few recent cases discussed below show, assertions of lender liability may arise in various contexts to an unsuspecting lender. 
  • Coming Into Focus - TSL Inaugural Data Issue
    Jul 7, 2022
    Welcome to The Secured Lender’s first ever Industry Data Issue. Over the past several years, SFNet has invested heavily in data resources designed to improve planning, provide competitive benchmarking, and attract capital to our industry. Through resources like our groundbreaking Market Sizing and Impact Study, which dimensioned the secured finance ecosystem and will be refreshed this year, to our quarterly and annual data surveys, which continue to grow in participation, to our forward looking Market Pulse Reports, we have made great strides in capturing, analyzing, and predicting industry trends by the numbers.
  • Julia Gavrilov_150 Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Are the Necessary Corporate Differentiators

    A Moritt Hock & Hamroff partner discusses the potential legal implications for companies that are not committed to diversity and inclusion as increasing shareholder pressures and legal complaints mount.

  • ArinReeves_2022_150 Stop Managing Your Time and Start Managing Your Energy
    Dr. Arin N. Reeves, researcher, author, and leading advisor to many top executives, offers her advice on the energy deficit so many of us are experiencing.
  • Where Are They Now? Catching up with prior SFNet 40 Under 40 Award winners
    Jun 15, 2022
    From promotions to new jobs to starting their own advisory firms, award winners share their career advice and what they have learned.
  • DavidChmiel_Headshot_150 Can the Global Supply Chain Survive Global Political Disorder?
    Jun 6, 2022
    The managing director of Global Torchlight, a geopolitical risk advisory firm, discusses the various reasons for the supply chain disruption and what we may expect in the future.
  • Fiorentino_Angela_Photo When the Grass Isn’t Greener: How to Stay Where You Are and Ask for What You Want
    We’ve all heard the phrase “The Great Resignation” over the past few months. Angela Fiorentino of AmeriFactors Financial Group and a member of SFNet’s Women in Secured Finance Committee gathered several top female executives to discuss the best way to communicate your professional goals and hold some of those “tough conversations” in this current climate.
  • BetsyRatto_HilcoGlobal_150 Shifting Gears: An Interview with Hilco Global’s Betsy Ratto
    Apr 5, 2022
    Betsy Ratto is senior vice president of Hilco Capital Solutions: ReStore Capital and Hilco Corporate Finance, with responsibility to drive business for ReStore Capital and Hilco Corporate Finance. She is responsible for originating and executing corporate finance and capital markets transactions, with a focus on the retail industry and other financing transactions. She joined Hilco in fall 2021 and is based in Hilco’s Boston office.

    Here, she discusses her goals at Hilco, challenges and opportunities in the retail sector, differentiating yourself at a non-bank platform, and lessons learned in leadership and career development.
  • Michele Ocejo Leading the Way Forward: A Conversation with the Women of SFNet’s Management and Executive Committees
    Apr 4, 2022

    In 2010, only 19 women served on the SFNet Board of Directors, today there are 46. We’ve doubled the representation of women on the Executive Committee from three to six. Here, we speak with the six women who currently sit on SFNet’s Executive and Management Committees.

Click on the link below to meet some of the “difference makers” in the secured finance community. This issue of The Secured Lender celebrates those who are having a profound impact on both their communities and their organizations. 

See Profiles

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