TSL Feature Articles

  • SFNet Q3 Asset-Based Lending Index Analysis

    The Q3 2020 Asset-Based Lending Index reflects improving confidence for lenders, fears of a double-dip downturn subsiding, and exhibits the continuing impact of PPP funds distributed in April. The U.S. economy rebounded during Q3 as lockdowns subsided, leading to a GDP surge of 33%.

    This growth had a clear impact on portfolio health with non-accruals, special mention, and write-offs reducing quarter over quarter.

  • Michele Ocejo Bill Stapel and Greg Eck, New Leaders of Fifth Third Bank Asset-Based Lending Group, Share Vision for 2021

    Greg Eck and Bill Stapel are the new leaders of the ABL Group at Fifth Third Bank, N.A., one of the nation’s largest asset-based lenders, with $8.1 MM in commitments and serving customers in 38 states, Canada and Europe. They step into their roles following the retirement of Fifth Third Business Capital President Mike Sharkey, who was also past president and chairman of Secured Finance Network.

  • TSL1120_AndrewMcGhee150x150 Andy McGhee on White Oak and the Lender Finance Market Ahead

    Andy McGhee is vice chairman of White Oak Commercial Finance (White Oak), an affiliate of White Oak Global Advisors, LLC, and leads the firm’s lender finance business. He has over 30 years of experience in the lending business, most recently managing a multi-billion-dollar loan portfolio as the CEO of AloStar Capital Finance. In 2011, McGhee co-founded AloStar Capital Finance by acquiring a failed bank in Birmingham, AL.

    At the time of its sale in 2017, AloStar had committed more than $3 billion to middle-market companies. McGhee has also served in various leadership roles covering asset-based lending (ABL) at SunTrust, Citicorp, Bank South and Bank of America. McGhee sits on the board of directors for Piedmont Hospital in Atlanta and is an Elder at Peachtree Presbyterian Church. He holds a B.A. in economics from the University of Georgia.

  • TSL1120_DavidPeress_Headshot Lessons Learned In Recent Consumer and Retail Brand Workouts and Liquidations

    The rate of default and workouts for loans with IP assets as collateral has reached a crescendo. We examine the near-term implications for workouts and liquidations where IP assets are expected to provide a meaningful source of lender recovery, and the longer- term implications for commercial lending to retail and consumer brand companies.

  • TSLExpress_GoldrichInterviewPhoto_150x150 Interview with SFNet’s New President Jeffrey Goldrich

    Jeffrey Goldrich, SFNet’s 2021 president, has been in the asset-based lending and factoring business for over 40 years. He founded North Mill Capital, as its president and CEO, with its management group in 2010. In 1995 he co-founded, as a shareholder and COO, Business Alliance Capital Corp (BACC), a national commercial finance company based in Princeton, New Jersey. Goldrich and his partner sold BACC to Sovereign Bank (now Santander) in 2005.

    Prior to that, he was a senior vice president and manager of the asset-based lending department of First Fidelity Bank in Newark, New Jersey.

  • johndepledge SFNet 2020 President John DePledge Reflects on an Unprecedented Year

    John DePledge, head of Asset Based Lending at Bank Leumi USA, discusses his tenure as SFNet president and COVID’s impact on plans.

  • Anatomy of a Deal: Special Situations, Split-Lien Term Loan with a Bank ABL
    In the course of two weeks, SG Credit Partners (formerly Super G) went from first phone call to closing a complicated split-lien deal with a major bank ABL group. When you tell someone “we just closed another multi-lender transaction in less than two weeks,” the level of complexity, determination, and teamwork required to accomplish such a task, is rarely understood. This transaction provided a pay down to the senior lender, provided for critical payments to vendors and created liquidity for the company’s investment bank to run a refinancing process. Like most special-situation transactions, the initial loan was just the start, not the end. This Anatomy of a Deal will attempt to highlight the role of a non-bank credit fund, SG Credit Partners, partnering with conforming ABL.
  • Jhoefler headshot_150x150 Flexible Workplace Arrangements – Attracting and Retaining Talent in the Current Environment

    The secured finance industry, just like so many others, has demanded that remote work become the “norm.” Will this change better enable the industry to attract and retain top talent?

  • TSL June_OcejoRoundtableArt The “New Normal” Roundtable
    What challenges have industry executives been up against since the pandemic hit and what kind of future do they envision for the industry? TSL spoke with several SFNet members: Jason Hoefler, managing director/asset-based lending, BMO Harris Bank; Candice Hubert, senior vice president of business development, Republic Business Credit; Mark Polinsky, executive vice president and co-founder of Gateway Trade Funding; Georgia Quenby, partner, Morgan Lewis & Bockius; Stuart Rosenthal of Prestige Capital; and Dan Tortoriello, executive vice president/chief operating officer of North Mill Capital.
  • Ed Gately, MUFG COVID-19 is popularizing asset-based lending. Here’s why.
    Edward Gately of MUFG discusses the reasons for ABLs rise in popularity as a result of the pandemic.
  • LynnTanner_WinstonStrawn (Almost) Painless Networking

    Although experts generally agree that networking is important to career success, a surprisingly large number of professionals dread the process to the point that the mere mention of the word makes them anxious and irritated. Lynn Tanner of Winston and Strawn provides a detailed “cheat sheet” for taking the pain out of networking.

  • Reaching the Top: C-Suite Women in Secured Finance Roundtable

    What does it take to break the proverbial glass ceiling in secured finance? What does the journey to the “top” look like for women in financial services? We interviewed four C-Suite women and here is what they had to say. The women we spoke with are Meredith Carter, president and CEO, Context Business Lending; Miin Chen, COO, Siena Lending Group; Deborah Monosson, president & CEO, Boston Financial & Equity Corporation; and Jennifer Yount, partner, Paul Hastings LLP.

  • Myra Thomas Women Leaders Talk About Advancing in the Ranks

    Secured Finance executives and an executive recruiter discuss how the industry can attract and retain more women.

  • JenniferPalmer_TSLSpreadPhoto Interview with Jennifer Palmer

    In January, Gerber Finance announced the completion of its CEO succession strategy, naming longtime president Jennifer Palmer as CEO with Founder Gerald Joseph transitioning to his new role as strategic advisor and chairman of the board.

  • Jennifer Lickteig Innovation is Key to Survival for Factors
    The CEO of TBS Factoring discusses the importance of innovation in factoring and how she applies the lessons of the past to her current role.
  • RyanJaskiewicz Interview with Ryan Jaskiewicz of 12five Capital, LLC

    Ryan Jaskiewicz is CEO of 12five Capital, LLC. He started 12five Capital in early 2006 at the age of 23. Jaskiewicz attended University of Illinois at Chicago where he received a bachelor of arts in political science.

  • David Morse photo CARES Act Paycheck Protection Loan Program: From the Secured Lender Perspective

    Editor's Note: SFNet’s Advocacy Committee is prioritizing initiatives to support our bank, non-bank and service provider constituents.  A key component of this is analyzing the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, which was enacted on March 27, for specific opportunities to address the needs of our members and borrowers across asset classes and industries, as the focus now turns to implementation.

  • Screen Shot 2020-04-21 at 8.39.46 PM copy Success By Lenders Working Together

    Forrest Gump said, “Life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you are going to get.” Partnering with other lenders can be similar. You don’t know what you are going to get if you jump into partnerships without doing your due diligence and establishing alliances with the best partners.

  • Interagency Guidance for Financial Institutions on Coronavirus Disease-Related Loan Modifications

    On Sunday night, March 22, 2020, the federal banking agencies (OCC, FDIC, NCUA, Federal Reserve), the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the State Conference of Bank Supervisors issued an Interagency Statement on Loan Modifications and Reporting for Financial Institutions Working with Customers Affected by the Coronavirus.

  • Aaron Hughes Top 5 Invoice Finance Frauds

    Aaron Hughes looks at some of the ways directors might misuse their invoice finance facilities and how lenders can stem any potential losses. 

Click on the link below to meet some of the “difference makers” in the secured finance community. This issue of The Secured Lender celebrates those who are having a profound impact on both their communities and their organizations. 

See Profiles

Previous TSL Articles

  • SFNet Reports Confidence in Asset-Based Lending Market
    Dec 19, 2022

    The third quarter saw continued confidence in the asset-based lending market, according to data released by the Secured Finance Network, and that was welcome news as the country wrestles with inflation, rising interest rates and a slowed economy.

    SFNet surveyed bank and non-bank asset-based lenders (ABLs) on key indicators for its quarterly Asset-Based Lending Index and SFNet Confidence Index.  

  • SFNet Report on Confidence in Asset-Based Lending Market: Survey Shows Industry is Well Positioned to Weather a Recession

    The third quarter saw continued confidence in the asset-based lending market, according to data released by the Secured Finance Network, and that was welcome news as the country wrestles with inflation, rising interest rates and a slowed economy.

    SFNet surveyed bank and non-bank asset-based lenders (ABLs) on key indicators for its quarterly Asset-Based Lending Index and SFNet Confidence Index.  

    “Despite the challenges, the asset-based lending industry remains on solid footing,” said SFNet CEO Richard D. Gumbrecht. “Portfolio performance is strong by historical standards, commitments are up, and lenders anticipate strong demand. Overall, the industry is decently-positioned to weather worsening business conditions and a potential recession.”

  • SusanCarol_150x150 Convention Panel on Cannabis Points to Growing Market with Many Red Flags
    Dec 14, 2022
    Cannabis remains a controlled substance at the federal level, but a number of states have legalized it under state law.  As a result, marijuana-related business (MRB) lending is ripe for growth. However, banks and non-bank lenders are entering this sector with caution. The presenters at SFNet’s 78th Annual Convention in November provided Canadian and U.S. perspectives on this dynamic market.
  • SusanCarol_150x150 SFNet Annual Convention Highlights - Master Disruption and Charge Ahead in 2023 (With Some Caution)

    SFNet’s Annual Convention was held in Austin from November 9-11.  This article provides an overview of the key topics addressed. 

    Listening to Convention keynoter Peter Zeihan’s geopolitical perspectives is a reminder of the many global and economic disruptors possible and all that one can’t control. However, in keeping with the event’s theme of "Mastering Disruption, Putting Capital to Work in the New Global Environment,” the breakout sessions triggered healthy discussion about what a new global environment for lending could look like, how data could be more strategically used to protect cross-border interests or prevent fraud, and how new supply chain models are forming. The factoring and asset-based lending sessions presented ways to master their markets while facing recessionary headwinds.

    Besides the many opportunities to network with peers and clients, attendees in Austin, TX, could absorb others’ views on economic conditions affecting the industry and dive into niche topics of strategic importance.

  • RobertGorin_150 Disbanding the Change-Prevention Committee
    Nov 16, 2022

    The way an organization handles change is critical to its success, particularly during periods of uncertainty. In the year 500 B.C., the Greek philosopher Heraclitus observed that life was in flux, with everything constantly on the verge of becoming something else. He noted that resisting this natural flow was a hindrance to progress and growth in all aspects of life.

    Resistance, however, has proven to be a very normal human response to change over the centuries and in organizations today, often manifests itself in the form of the formidable Change-Prevention Committee. 

  • JoBennettColes_150 Funding in the Food Circle – the Winds of Change
    Nov 8, 2022

    Food. It’s at the heart of all our lives. We love it – we think about it – we plan it – we talk about it.

    Never before has there been so much focus on food: where it comes from, how much it costs and how to keep getting it. Just about all of us who have recently bought groceries think: “Wow – that’s a lot more expensive than it was last year.” When I said that recently to a good friend, she responded that this must be due to inflation and Ukraine. I thought: that is too simple an answer.

  • matt-headshot_150 An Interview with Matthew Bjonerud, Founder and CEO, Cerebro Capital
    In this installment of our series of executive interviews, Charlie Perer sits with Matthew Bjonerud of Cerebro Capital to hear his perspective on the state of the debt capital markets, building a new distribution channel, the future of lending and technology, among other things.
  • This Is Not a Drill - SFNet's Cross-Border Lending Summit 2022 Returns September 15 and September 22
    Sep 13, 2022
    SFNet's Cross-Border Lending Summit - “This Is Not a Drill” – is returning live online event on September 15 and September 22, 2022, from 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ET each day. For the 9th year in a row, SFNet is bringing timely and provocative panels addressing issues that challenge asset-based lenders doing cross-border deals. So much has happened in just the last six months: Boris Johnson stepping down, Russia in Ukraine, potential food supply shortages, climate extremes. Companies now must reevaluate supply chains and vendors based in part of geopolitical risk. Not to mention an inflationary environment the likes of which we have not seen in years. In this time of rapid change, SFNet is gathering together industry experts to explore and illuminate the current landscape and what you should be thinking about in the months and years to come.
  • Too Little. Too Late. Too Much. Inventory Management Amid Ongoing Supply Chain Disruption
    Aug 22, 2022

    As recent years have demonstrated, a variety of events, from a once-in-a-lifetime worldwide health crisis like a pandemic to a regional conflict like the Russian invasion of Ukraine to long-planned political changes such as Brexit, can easily interrupt global supply chains. These recent events resulted in three phases of supply chain disruptions.

  • Interview with Mark Cuccinello, Member of SFNet’s Diversity, Equity & Inclusiveness Committee
    Aug 8, 2022

    Mark Cuccinello is a senior ABL originator for J.P. Morgan Commercial Banking, where he is responsible for providing asset-based loans to middle market companies. Mark has been with the bank for 17 years and has more than 25 years of asset-based lending experience. Mark resides in New Jersey with his family.